Italian Bachelors: Brooding Billionaires: Ravelli's Defiant Bride / Enthralled by Moretti / The Playboy's Proposition

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Содержание книги - Italian Bachelors: Brooding Billionaires: Ravelli's Defiant Bride / Enthralled by Moretti / The Playboy's Proposition Leanne Banks, CATHY WILLIAMS, LYNNE GRAHAM

Italian Bachelors: Brooding Billionaires: Ravelli's Defiant Bride / Enthralled by Moretti / The Playboy's Proposition - описание и краткое содержание, автор Leanne Banks, CATHY WILLIAMS, LYNNE GRAHAM, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Brooding BillionairesCristo RavelliCristo Ravelli must silence any scandal about his father’s illegitimate children! Belle Brophy, the children’s guardian’s only concern is giving them security. So when this gorgeous Italian offers marriage, she agrees. But once the ring is on, Belle discovers there’s more to marriage than saying ‘I do’!Alessandro MorettiCEO Alessandro Moretti wants elusive lawyer Chase Evans in his bed now more than ever and he’s not above blackmail. But his red-hot revenge backfires as his increasing desire for Chase threatens his legendary self-control, and still Chase and her secrets seem out of his reach…Michael MediciWhen Michael Medici spotted the beautiful cocktail waitress, he made a move. One extraordinary night later, he knew he wanted more. He’d just acquired her family’s business, so Michael made Bella an offer – become his no-emotions-involved mistress and she’d regain the company…

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