A Touch of Scarlet

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Содержание книги - A Touch of Scarlet Liz Talley

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Adam Hinton is a by-the-book kind of guy. And as the new chief of police in Oak Stand, Texas, he has a few mottos.Do the right thing. Obey the law. Don't get involved with bad girls–no matter how secretly irresistible they are. Those mottos are put to the test when too-tempting, too-sexy, too-everything Scarlet Rose speeds into town. Before the ink is dry on the ticket he gives her, he's hooked. Which means his efforts to create an ordinary, respectful life could be at risk.Much to his surprise, it's the woman beneath Scarlet's sultry exterior who captivates him. And it's that woman he wants a future with. Because he's decided his white-picket-fence world definitely needs a touch of Scarlet!

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