The Brides of Bella Rosa: Beauty and the Reclusive Prince

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Содержание книги - The Brides of Bella Rosa: Beauty and the Reclusive Prince Rebecca Winters, Raye Morgan, Barbara Hannay

The Brides of Bella Rosa: Beauty and the Reclusive Prince - описание и краткое содержание, автор Rebecca Winters, Raye Morgan, Barbara Hannay, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Beauty and the Reclusive Prince Isabella Casali sneaks into Prince Maximilliano’s forbidden palace grounds to pick herbs for the Bella Rosa restaurant’s signature sauce, but when she slips and nearly drowns, reclusive Max saves her… Ten years ago, Max locked away his heart. Now, cradling this beautiful girl in his arms, he is tempted to live again.Executive: Expecting Tiny TwinsHigh-profile politician Lizzie has come to the Outback away from the prying media to have a baby – alone – when she meets cattle manager Jack Lewis. Jack is hotter than the Outback sun and Lizzie can’t help noticing! But he’s so not her type, and surely he isn’t ready for dad duty?Miracle for the Girl Next DoorThrill-seeker Valentino Casali is sure his childhood friend Clara Rossetti can help him forget his troubles. But she’s not the same carefree girl he knew. Valentino is determined to bring back her sunny smile, make her forget her troubles and give her a summer to remember!

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