The Ryders: Jared, Royce and Stephanie: Seduction and the CEO

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Содержание книги - The Ryders: Jared, Royce and Stephanie: Seduction and the CEO Barbara Dunlop

The Ryders: Jared, Royce and Stephanie: Seduction and the CEO - описание и краткое содержание, автор Barbara Dunlop, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Seduction and the CEOJournalist Melissa Warner will do anything to get the scoop on millionaire Jared Ryder – even take a job as his ranch hand! But, when she shares an electric kiss with the gorgeous CEO, she’s left to wonder how – and when – she can ever share her secret…In Bed with the WranglerSocialite Amber Hutton may have broken off her engagement and taken refuge at gorgeous pilot Royce Ryder’s ranch, but she had no intention of letting him seduce her! Unfortunately, Amber had no idea how tempting this infamous playboy could be…His Convenient Virgin BrideMillionaire consultant Alec Creighton was meant to be tackling Stephanie Ryder’s over-spending – not seducing her! But the raven-haired beauty was just too tempting. And, when he discovered she was a virgin, Alec couldn’t resist going back for more…

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