The Road Not Taken

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Содержание книги - The Road Not Taken Jackie Braun

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Breaking down Manipulative and cold as ice, Caro’s ex might be an utter jerk, but she’s got to go back to him to keep custody of her young son. Her journey through a blizzard makes the hard decision harder – and one almighty skid later she’s got a whole new sub-zero problem… Until a mysterious stranger appears out of the mist on horseback! Breaking free? Trapped with him in the ongoing storm, Caro discovers her rescuer is an ex-cop – the grouchy-yet- gorgeous Jake McCabe.Shocked by their intense attraction, Caro will soon face the most difficult choice of all: in Jake she may have found the hero she’s been looking for (and, by God, deserves! ), but to claim him she risks losing her little boy…

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