Claimed For Makarov's Baby

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Содержание книги - Claimed For Makarov's Baby Amanda Cinelli, Sharon Kendrick

Claimed For Makarov's Baby - описание и краткое содержание, автор Amanda Cinelli, Sharon Kendrick, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Stop the wedding!Dimitri Makarov’s former secretary is getting married, but instead of congratulating the happy couple the masterful oligarch plans to stop the wedding… For he’s just discovered that the blushing bride is mother to his secret son!Erin Turner thinks her luck is changing—until Dimitri dispatches her convenient groom with his signature ruthlessness. But in other ways the high-flying businessman seems completely reformed from the disreputable bad boy she once knew.The chilling truth: whether it’s business, billions or bedding women, Dimitri doesn’t do anything by halves. He’s not just here to claim his child, but Erin as well!Sharon Kendrick introduces her fabulous new duet, The Bond of Billionaires!Super-rich and super-sexy, the ruthless Russian and the sensuous Sheikh are about to meet their match!Book 1: Claimed for Makarov’s BabyBook 2: The Sheikh’s Christmas ConquestPraise for Sharon KendrickThe Ruthless Greek’s Return 4* RT Book ReviewKendrick does a nice job depicting the sexual attraction between Loukas and Jess. Despite obstacles in their path, sparks still fly.Carrying the Greek’s Heir 4.5* TOP PICK RT Book ReviewKendrick’s delectable dialogue with an English flair exquisitely documents her couple’s poignant journey. Her heroine’s humor regardless of the situation is awesome.Christmas in Da Conti’s Bed 4.5* RT Book ReviewKendrick’s romance is a war of wills between her charismatic hero and infamous, insecure heroine. Set in the lavish laps of New York and London, her mesmerizing narrative epitomizes raw powerful emotions.

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