His Perfect Bride: Hired by the Cowboy / Wedding Bells at Wandering Creek / Coming Home to the Cattleman

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Содержание книги - His Perfect Bride: Hired by the Cowboy / Wedding Bells at Wandering Creek / Coming Home to the Cattleman Judy Christenberry, Patricia Thayer, DONNA ALWARD

His Perfect Bride: Hired by the Cowboy / Wedding Bells at Wandering Creek / Coming Home to the Cattleman - описание и краткое содержание, автор Judy Christenberry, Patricia Thayer, DONNA ALWARD, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

HIRED BY THE COWBOYAlexis Grayson is alone and pregnant, but honourable cowboy Connor Madsen seems determined to take care of her. He needs a temporary wife, so a short-term marriage will solve all their difficulties… until Alexis realises she wants a marriage for real!WEDDING BELLS AT WANDERING CREEKPI Jack Sullivan allows no one to get too close. That is until he takes on the Kingsley case. Jack has been sent to Wandering Creek on official business – business that doesn’t include falling for the striking blonde who tries to throw him off her land.COMING HOME TO THE CATTLEMANJenny’s determined to contact her long-lost dad, until one man stands in her way: her dad’s business partner, Jason Welborn. And it’s clear he’s not happy she’s come home. But feisty Jenny seems determined to win him over – at all costs!

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