The Rinuccis: Carlo, Ruggiero & Francesco: The Italian's Wife by Sunset

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Содержание книги - The Rinuccis: Carlo, Ruggiero & Francesco: The Italian's Wife by Sunset Lucy Gordon

The Rinuccis: Carlo, Ruggiero & Francesco: The Italian's Wife by Sunset - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lucy Gordon, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Three more Rinucci brothers find love, marriage – and each other!The Italian’s Wife by Sunset Intelligent, sensible Della Hadley should’ve known better than to embark on an affair with a playboy Italian six years her junior, but vibrant and sexy Carlo Rinucci was just too hard to resist… Carlo is Italian through and through and determined to win his woman – can he make Della his bride?The Mediterranean Rebel’s Bride Prosaic Polly Hanson must go to Naples to find Ruggiero Rinucci and what she has to tell him will surely end his bachelor ways – he is a father! The baby is the result of an affair with her cousin, but nothing quite prepares Polly for Ruggiero’s reaction to the news…and her own reaction to this untamed, gorgeous Italian!The Millionaire Tycoon’s English Rose Independent Celia Ryland has never let her blindness affect the way she lives her life – she thrives on feeling free! While handsome, passionate Italian Francesco Rinucci has never met a woman with such a zest for life, he wants to wrap her in cotton wool, to protect his precious English rose from all that’s dangerous – or exciting! – in the world…

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