It Had To Be You: Man of the Year 2016

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Содержание книги - It Had To Be You: Man of the Year 2016 Nikki Logan, Barbara Hannay

It Had To Be You: Man of the Year 2016 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Nikki Logan, Barbara Hannay, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Following a nationwide hunt for a modern day hero, we are proud to reveal the winner of Mills & Boon’s Man of the Year campaign, Courtney Hayles, on the cover of this special edition Valentine’s book, It Had To Be You.With two Mills & Boon stories that treat you to two favourite heroes, in two contrasting romantic settings, this book is the ultimate package for a hit of romance this Valentine’s Day.Molly Cooper’s Dream DateMolly Cooper has travelled all the way to London to find her dream man! The trouble is, the sexy emails with hot millionaire Patrick Knight – the man she swapped houses with – are strangely addictive. But what do you do when you realise the one you really want is a world away…sleeping in your bed?Shipwrecked with Mr WrongConservationist Honor Brier loves working in her island paradise. It’s the perfect place to lick her wounds in peace…until arrogant playboy Rob Dalton is shipwrecked on its shores. Yet Rob’s passion for life is impossible to resist – and he’s infuriatingly attractive! Could Mr Wrong actually be oh-so-right?

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