Between Love and Duty

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Содержание книги - Between Love and Duty Janice Kay Johnson

Between Love and Duty - описание и краткое содержание, автор Janice Kay Johnson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

There's a right way, then there's the wrong wayNobody knows that better than police captain Duncan MacLachlan. He has served and protected for years without bending to a middle ground he doesn't believe in. And he's not about to change. Certainly not for stubborn–and sexy–court advocate Jane Brooks. Her shades-of-gray view of the world clashes with his black-and-white one.Then a mission to save an at-risk teen has Jane's life on the line. Now she and Duncan must join forces despite their differences–and the flaring attraction that's too hot to ignore. It's Duncan's toughest challenge yet. Because keeping Jane safe is one thing…and keeping her out of his arms is another.

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