Through the Sheriff's Eyes

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Содержание книги - Through the Sheriff's Eyes Janice Kay Johnson

Through the Sheriff's Eyes - описание и краткое содержание, автор Janice Kay Johnson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Love comes before duty… Faith refuses to be with a man who feels a sense of obligation towards her. She’s been through some traumatic events that have left her a little shaky. That doesn’t mean she needs Sheriff Ben hovering. She’ll be fine…on her own.Despite her protests, however, Ben won’t budge. He insists they share a romantic connection. She’ll admit she finds him attractive, but how can she be close to a man who might view her as a duty? It’s not until she catches a glimpse of herself through his eyes that she discovers what he feels for her is very real.

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