The Garrisons: Cassie, Adam & Brooke: Stranded with the Tempting Stranger

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Содержание книги - The Garrisons: Cassie, Adam & Brooke: Stranded with the Tempting Stranger Brenda Jackson, Catherine Mann, Emilie Rose

The Garrisons: Cassie, Adam & Brooke: Stranded with the Tempting Stranger - описание и краткое содержание, автор Brenda Jackson, Catherine Mann, Emilie Rose, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Stranded with the Tempting StrangerBrandon wasn’t used to being ignored. So when Cassie Garrison refused his repeated attempts at contact, he set out to teach the elusive heiress a lesson. But once his seductive mission was accomplished, would he find his professional mission at war with his personal interests?Secrets of the Tycoon’s Bride Adam Garrison needed a wife – a perfect, respectable wife – fast! And Lauryn was the ideal candidate. But when she turned his ‘proposal’ down, the bachelor billionaire suddenly became more determined than ever to capture her as his bride. No matter what the consequences…The Executive’s Surprise BabyUnwed and pregnant with the Garrisons’ arch-enemy’s baby, Brooke planned to keep the paternity secret…until millionaire hotel mogul Jordan learned the truth. He was not about to let her fear of scandal stop him from claiming his child. Or from making Brooke his wife!

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