His Christmas Conquest: The Sheikh's Christmas Conquest / A Christmas Vow of Seduction / Claiming His Christmas Consequence

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Содержание книги - His Christmas Conquest: The Sheikh's Christmas Conquest / A Christmas Vow of Seduction / Claiming His Christmas Consequence Maisey Yates, Michelle Smart, Sharon Kendrick

His Christmas Conquest: The Sheikh's Christmas Conquest / A Christmas Vow of Seduction / Claiming His Christmas Consequence - описание и краткое содержание, автор Maisey Yates, Michelle Smart, Sharon Kendrick, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Claimed for Christmas!The snow is falling, the fire is roaring, the mince pies are in the oven when Olivia Miller finds a handsome man on her doorstep… Sheikh Saladin Al Mekta-la, is here to whisk her off to his kingdom for the perfect Christmas.*With one band of gold Prince Andres of Petras can erase all of his past sins. But his prospective bride is untameable Princess Zara. So the plaboy prince must seduce her her by Christmas!*Catalina’s stolen Christmas night of irresistible passion with billionaire Natha-nial changed her life forever. Now, she is determined to protect the small life growing within her. Even if she has to defy the husband she so desperately craves!

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