Wedding Bells For The Village Nurse

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Содержание книги - Wedding Bells For The Village Nurse Abigail Gordon

Wedding Bells For The Village Nurse - описание и краткое содержание, автор Abigail Gordon, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Healing the surgeon’s heartIt’s a glorious summer’s day when Jenna Balfour returns to the enchanting Devonshire village of Bluebell Cove. Watching the hazy sunshine glinting off the white-tipped ocean, Jenna knows she’s home for good. She’s welcomed back by the local community with open arms. The only person who keeps his distance is enigmatic Dr Lucas Devereux. But warm-hearted Jenna longs to soothe the pain she glimpses beneath his abrupt exterior…Captivated by Jenna’s warm smile, Lucas feels the ice imprisoning his guarded heart begin to thaw. Before the year is out he’ll make this compassionate village nurse his blushing village bride!

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