Maddie Inherits a Cowboy

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Содержание книги - Maddie Inherits a Cowboy Jeannie Watt

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No heat. No bed. And a cow…hanging from the rafters? What kind of ranch is this? No wonder Madeline's brother only sent pictures of the stunning Nevada landscape. He couldn't very well have convinced his family he was happy in this godforsaken place. But the cold outside is more bearable than the frosty partner she's inherited along with half of the ranch. Ty Hopewell. Not exactly Mr. Social.Never mind. She has every right to be here. She may be a city girl, but Madeline Blaine has a PhD and she's not afraid to use it. Something about this place–and this cowboy–just doesn't feel right. And she's going to figure out what it is. And fix it. Fix him, too…if she can.

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