Redemption at Mirabelle

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Содержание книги - Redemption at Mirabelle Helen Brenna

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From Wall Street to…mom?What place does a single dad–and his children–have in the life of a woman with a strict no-kids policy? As completely irresistible as Adam Harding is, Marin Camden simply can't see how they fit together. After all, this former Wall Street exec didn't come to Mirabelle Island looking for romance. No, Marin's here to regroup and decide what she really wants.It seems she wants Adam–if the fact that they constantly run into each other means anything. And he really is tempting. Tempting enough to make her revisit the no-kids policy? To consider rebuilding her life around home and family? Just when Marin decides to take the chance to explore the sizzling attraction between them, she discovers an obstacle she never anticipated!

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