When Christakos Meets His Match

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Содержание книги - When Christakos Meets His Match ABBY GREEN

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Let the games begin!The ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign hasn’t even been switched off before the chemistry is mile-high between airline CEO Alexio Christakos and Sidonie Fitzgerald! Accustomed to brief encounters with aloof socialites, Alexio finds Sidonie’s unaffected innocence has him hooked – and determined to enjoy a night of pleasure in her arms.Sidonie is meant to be sorting out her life – not starting an affair with a Greek tycoon! But Alexio is the ultimate distraction…until he learns of her strained finances and, to her horror, accuses her of wanting more than just his body! But Sidonie’s innocence masks a backbone of steel, and she won’t take his accusation lying down…‘Abby Green whisks you away – such wonderful characters and landscapes.’ – Michelle, Aerobics Instructor, LincolnDiscover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/abbygreen

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