French Escape: From Daredevil to Devoted Daddy / One Week with the French Tycoon / It Happened in Paris...

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Содержание книги - French Escape: From Daredevil to Devoted Daddy / One Week with the French Tycoon / It Happened in Paris... Barbara McMahon, Christy McKellen, Robin Gianna

French Escape: From Daredevil to Devoted Daddy / One Week with the French Tycoon / It Happened in Paris... - описание и краткое содержание, автор Barbara McMahon, Christy McKellen, Robin Gianna, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

ROMANCE in France…Jeanne-Marie is caring for her young son, Alexandre, in her Mediterranean B&B when handsome Mattieu arrives. Matt’s sense of humour not only enchants Alexandre but teaches Jeanne how to smile again. Will this daredevil take on a new challenge – a family?Suave Julien Moreaux is enjoying the Amalfi Coast until the sexy, cynical tycoon is thrown together with big-hearted Indigo Hughes. They are so different but the attraction only grows, can optimistic Indigo convince the Frenchman to believe in love?Avery Girard can’t help getting swept up in the romance of a Parisian Valentine’s Day when she’s spending it with gorgeous Jack Dunbar. He’s completely irresistible and also her co-worker. Trying to keep things professional is hard, but one little kiss can’t hurt…right?

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