Wild Fantasy

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - Wild Fantasy Janelle Denison

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Mitch Lassiter has lusted after Nicole Britton for years. So when he gets the chance to team up with Nicole in a fantasy version of Survivor, he's determined to do something about the raging chemistry between them.Their objective–to explore each other's most intimate fantasies. Only, little does Mitch guess how many of Nicole's fantasies involve him….Nicole Britton isn't looking for commitment– but she sure enjoys a good time. After a lifetime of trying to live up to her father's expectations, Nicole is out to please only herself. And seriously sexy Mitch definitely pleases her–in every way imaginable. For the duration of the contest, she's more than willing to indulge in a no-strings, anything-goes affair. But when the fantasy is over, will she be able to walk away?

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