Back in the Bedroom

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Содержание книги - Back in the Bedroom Jill Shalvis

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When Tessa Delacantro agrees to house-sit, she doesn't expect armed robbers to throw her into the taut arms of the sexiest stranger she's ever met–Reilly Ledger. They're trapped together in a small room with an even smaller bed and a long, cold night ahead. Soon she's aching for his warmth, his touch…his mouth….When ex-CIA agent Reilly helps Tessa escape, they swear to put their night of passion behind them. Tessa isn't usually attracted to a man so stoic, edgy and…dangerous. And Reilly is sure he'll never be the man Tessa deserves. But if it's so wrong, why does it feel so right? Because bed or no bed, nothing can stop what's started….

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