Men of Courage: Trapped! / Buried! / Stranded!

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Содержание книги - Men of Courage: Trapped! / Buried! / Stranded! Jill Shalvis, Lori Foster, Donna Kauffman

Men of Courage: Trapped! / Buried! / Stranded! - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jill Shalvis, Lori Foster, Donna Kauffman, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Three sexy stories together in one collection, for the first time!The men are heroes–strong, fearless…Fireman Ethan Winters ran headlong into a burning building to find Rosie Carrington. Rescue worker Brett Gannon defied the aftershocks of a San Francisco earthquake to prevent Haley Brubaker from entering her collapsing home. And emergency-room doctor Matt Walker braved gale force winds and rising floodwater to rescue scientist Molly Stanton.And impossible to resist!For Rosie, the heat in Ethan's eyes was enough to start a three-alarm blaze! As for Haley, being trapped amidst the rubble with Brett meant heightened tension–and heightened passion. And sheltering together from the storm, Molly needed Matt to make love to her. It was the only way for her to know she was still alive…and that she'd stay that way.

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