Tall, Dark and Filthy Rich

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Содержание книги - Tall, Dark and Filthy Rich Jill Monroe

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Sassy heroines and irresistible heroes embark on sizzling sexual adventures as they play the game of modern love and lust. Expect fast paced reads with plenty of steamy encounters.A blast from the past! When tomboy private investigator Jessie Huell arrives as a guest on popular Atlanta chat show Just Between Us, she is unexpectedly reunited with her schoolgirl crush, producer Cole Crawford. Cole’s a multi-million dollar lottery winner, stunningly sexy…and bad, bad news for her!Now Cole and Jessie are doing just the kind of naughty things she swore she’d avoid. As each incredible second explodes by, Jessie finds herself in deep trouble. If she’s not careful she could find herself falling for him…Which means she’ll have to find the real dirt on Cole Crawford – because this man is too good to be true!

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