Seducing The Enemy: The Wayward Son

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Содержание книги - Seducing The Enemy: The Wayward Son Yvonne Lindsay

Seducing The Enemy: The Wayward Son - описание и краткое содержание, автор Yvonne Lindsay, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Keep you friends close, but your enemies closer…The Wayward SonJudd Wilson can finally take revenge on those who wronged him! He will dismantle his estranged father’s business empire and steal the man’s ravishing mistress too. Certainly the sizzling attraction Judd feels for Anna Garrick will make his vengeance sweeter!A Forbidden AffairNate finds it almost too easy to seduce his enemy’s daughter. And after their white-hot weekend, he issues an ultimatum – Nicole Wilson will work for him or her family will learn of their affair. Yet even as she bows to her lover’s demands, she questions if she dare trust a man planning to destroy all she holds dear?The High Price of SecretsFinn Gallagher has always been protective of his foster parents so when Tamsyn Masters appears on his doorstep, looking for her mother, he lies. But, when he starts to fall for her, Finn has to ensure that she never finds out his secret. Finn has to decide: Tamsyn or the truth, because he can’t have both.

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