Trusting the Bodyguard

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Содержание книги - Trusting the Bodyguard Kimberly Van Meter

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Marissa has never needed a special ops agent…until now. After accidentally tangling with a drug dealer, she's desperate for protection. And the only guy she knows who's trained in this sort of thing is Archer Brant–the man she left because his job is too dangerous. Yeah. Kind of funny that she's now the one in a heap of danger. But the fact is, she trusts Archer with her life.Tucked away in his remote cabin, it's easy to remember why they once were so good together. Even with the threat lurking, Marissa longs to rekindle the romantic sparks between them. Being with Archer this way, she sees a different side of him. Sees more than the job. Sees the man who could give her the loving future she wants.

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