Always On Her Mind: Playing for Keeps / To Tame a Cowboy / All He Ever Wanted

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Содержание книги - Always On Her Mind: Playing for Keeps / To Tame a Cowboy / All He Ever Wanted Emily McKay, Catherine Mann, Jules Bennett

Always On Her Mind: Playing for Keeps / To Tame a Cowboy / All He Ever Wanted - описание и краткое содержание, автор Emily McKay, Catherine Mann, Jules Bennett, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Playing for KeepsIn high school, Malcolm Douglas was a bad boy who stole the heart of small-town girl Celia Patel–as well as her virginity. But life pulled them apart…and just as well, for he'd already broken her heart.Now Malcolm is a world-famous billionaire dedicated to atoning for his sins. When he swoops back into Celia's life, he tells himself he only wants to protect her from recent threats. But the desire between them leaves them as breathless as teenagers. Will Celia ever forgive him? Maybe. If he can make today's pleasure erase yesterday's pain.To Tame a CowboyRoyal, Texas, is the perfect place for rodeo star Ryan Grant to slow down and finally show Piper Kindred she's the woman for him. When an accident sends Piper rushing to take care of him, her sexy bedside manner suggests to Ryan that seducing his best friend will be easier than he'd expected.But Piper knows the lure of the rodeo circuit—and the risk of a broken heart, when Ryan realises he's not ready to hang up his saddle for good. She can't let herself fall for a cowboy. If only her heart would listen!All He Ever WantedAfter dedicating his life to his family's company, Dalton Cain won't let his father just give away a fortune. He'll save his legacy. And he knows just the woman to help. But getting Laney Fortino to trust him again isn't going to be easy. She still considers him a cold-hearted jerk.Years ago, he'd told himself he'd left Laney for her own good. But seeing her again, feeling the undeniable attraction between them, he vows to rekindle what he'd once thrown away. And this time, family won't stand in the way.

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