Suite Seduction

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Содержание книги - Suite Seduction Leslie Kelly

Suite Seduction - описание и краткое содержание, автор Leslie Kelly, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Ruthie Sinclair is having one of those days. First she discovers she has to wear the bridesmaid's dress from hell to her cousin's wedding.Then her lackluster boyfriend runs for the hills when she suggests they get a little «closer.» Is it any wonder she's having erotic dreams about a sexy stranger? Only, in the morning that stranger is still in her bed….Robert Kendall has never slept better in his life–not that he slept much! Free-spirited, sexy Ruthie is the perfect woman for him and he wants to get to know her a lot better. Only, Ruthie's convinced that the best sex of Robert's life was a mistake. So what else can he do but keep her in his bed until he gets it right?

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