Be Mine: Sizzle / Too Fast to Fall / Alone with You

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Содержание книги - Be Mine: Sizzle / Too Fast to Fall / Alone with You Victoria Dahl, Jennifer Crusie, Shannon Stacey

Be Mine: Sizzle / Too Fast to Fall / Alone with You - описание и краткое содержание, автор Victoria Dahl, Jennifer Crusie, Shannon Stacey, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Join bestselling authors Jennifer Crusie, Victoria Dahl and Shannon Stacey for three sexy stories about finding the one you love.Sizzle by Jennifer CrusieBusiness takes a backseat when successful ad executive Emily Tate meets Richard Parker. He’s an accountant who’s been sent to keep her in line and under budget in her ad campaign for a sensual new perfume called Sizzle. And if Emily’s not careful, she could well melt in Richard’s hands.Too Fast to Fall by Victoria DahlFor Eve Hill, working at an art gallery in Jackson Hole had its perks—the sexy owner being one of them. But the more she lusted after the unattainable man, the less possible their love seemed. Now, years later, her dream man is back…and this time, love is full of possibilities.Alone With You by Shannon Stacey When waitress Darcy Vaughan’s friend asks her to help out with the launch of a fledgling restaurant, she’s happy to oblige. Little does she know the owner is Jake Holland, the perfect guy who slipped through her fingers after their one night of passion. But for Darcy and Jake, just one touch was just not enough.

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