How To Be the Perfect Girlfriend

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Содержание книги - How To Be the Perfect Girlfriend HEATHER MACALLISTER

How To Be the Perfect Girlfriend - описание и краткое содержание, автор HEATHER MACALLISTER, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

How far would you go to land the perfect man?Payroll assistant Sara Lipton is tired of coasting through relationships. She has to figure out whether to live her life fabulously married or contentedly single. But before she decides, she has to learn how to attract the perfect man. And VP Simon Northrup is definitely perfect. Even though he might be out of her league, he's still the right guy to «practice» on….Simon has never met a woman like Sara. One minute she's an engaging innocent, the next a sassy sex goddess–he just never knows what to expect from her. What he does know is that he wants to get to know her better–much better. And after Sara seduces him senseless, Simon realizes she's the woman for him. Too bad he doesn't know that for Sara this is just a trial run….

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