Midnight Under The Stars: Woman in a Sheikh's World

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Содержание книги - Midnight Under The Stars: Woman in a Sheikh's World Sarah Morgan, Olivia Gates, Lynn Harris Raye

Midnight Under The Stars: Woman in a Sheikh's World - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sarah Morgan, Olivia Gates, Lynn Harris Raye, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Dark Desert Skies… An Irresistible Sheikh…Woman in a Sheikh's WorldWedding planner Avery Scott’s new client is Crown Prince Malik – who once set her body on fire, before breaking her heart. But pride dictates that the touch she craves stays strictly forbidden…Marriage Behind the FacadeSydney needs her husband Malik’s signature on their divorce papers. But law dictates that they must spend forty days together as man and wife. And the smouldering sheikh plans to enjoy every one of his forty nights…A Secret BirthrightPrince Fareed Aal Zaafer has swept Gwen and her baby away to his kingdom – the last place she should be. Now she must protect her secrets and deny the desire between them at any cost.

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