Enemies at the Altar

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Содержание книги - Enemies at the Altar MELANIE MILBURNE

Enemies at the Altar - описание и краткое содержание, автор MELANIE MILBURNE, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.The last woman he would ever marryThe last time Andreas Ferrante saw Sienna Baker she was naively trying to seduce him. Whilst her provocative sensuality is emblazoned on Andreas’s memory, the terrible consequences torment him. So the news that they must marry to secure his inheritance is unthinkable…Once devastated by his heartless rejection, when she sees Andreas again it makes Sienna’s humiliation burn brighter. And as for marrying him…? They’d be lucky to last the ceremony without killing each other! But there’s a fine line between love and hate…Will the flames of anger turn to white-hot passion on their wedding night? The Outrageous Sisters The twin sisters everyone’s talking about!

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