Secret Affairs: The End of Faking It / Her Secret Fling / The Ultimate Risk

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Содержание книги - Secret Affairs: The End of Faking It / Her Secret Fling / The Ultimate Risk Natalie Anderson, Chantelle Shaw, Sarah Mayberry

Secret Affairs: The End of Faking It / Her Secret Fling / The Ultimate Risk - описание и краткое содержание, автор Natalie Anderson, Chantelle Shaw, Sarah Mayberry, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

THE END OF FAKING IT Penny Fairburn knows that faking it is the way to avoid heartache…until she meets Carter Dodds. One night is enough for Carter to know he wants the real thing with Penny – but first he’s got to prove he’s worth the risk! HER SECRET FLING Reporter Jake Stevens is the most arrogant man Poppy’s ever met! So why can’t she stop fantasising about a fling with him? And more importantly, with all this intensity, can she ever keep it no-strings-attached? THE ULTIMATE RISK When PA Gina sees tycoon Lanzo di Cosimo again after ten years, a chance to prove that she’s not the innocent she used to be makes her pulse race. But she doesn’t expect Lanzo to want her for the long term…

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