Her Amish Protectors

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Содержание книги - Her Amish Protectors Janice Kay Johnson

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Amish HideoutRebecca Holt thinks she's doing the right thing when she takes evidence proving her ex-husband is hiding a murder. But after two attempts on her life, she flees with her six-year-old son to her Amish family, dressing «plain.»But county sheriff Daniel Byler was raised Amish, and this background helps him to recognize Rebecca as someone who is out of place, in danger…and lying to him.Her Amish ProtectorsShe had wanted a simpler life in Missouri. Opening an Amish quilt shop was supposed to give Nadia Markovic's life peace and meaning. The caring community in her new small town was proving to be a healing salve for her wounded spirit…until someone broke into her apartment above the store and robbed her while she was sleeping. The thief took all the funds they’d just raised through the sale of her neighbours’ handmade quilts. And police chief Ben Slater can’t rule her out as the prime suspect. Only her Amish friends are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. But while Ben might not trust her, he’s committed to protecting her, confusing her feelings for a man who's pulling her apart…

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