Prince Hafiz's Only Vice

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Содержание книги - Prince Hafiz's Only Vice Susanna Carr

Prince Hafiz's Only Vice - описание и краткое содержание, автор Susanna Carr, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

What a royal wants…Prince Hafiz devotes his days to his people and his nights to indulging his desires with his stunning American mistress, Lacey Maxwell. But duty requires him to marry a ‘suitable’ bride.In her deepest secret fantasies Lacey has naively hoped one day to wear Hafiz’s ring – until her dreams are shattered and he chooses someone else.Faced with the reality of a passionless union, Hafiz realises his years spent with Lacey have done nothing to slake his hunger for her. He’s determined to turn his only vice into a virtue – for the sake of his country… and each other!

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