Unexpected Bride

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Содержание книги - Unexpected Bride Lisa Childs

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Always A Bridesmaid?Only her best friend's impending nuptials could bring Abby Hamilton back to her Michigan hometown. But when the bride runs away, the wedding reception turns into an unexpected homecoming party for Cloverville's Prodigal Daughter. Everyone's happy to see Abby…except Clayton McClintock, the bride's straight-arrow older brother–and Abby's unrequited crush.Where Abby goes, trouble seems to follow. But Clayton has to admit the adult Abby is very different from the rebellious eighteen-year-old who left without a backward glance. She runs a successful business and is a single mother to an adorable four-year-old who is quickly stealing Clayton's heart.Suddenly a man with no intention of settling down is thinking about making a home and a family–with Abby. If he can get the marriage-shy single mother to the altar…

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