Taming the VIP Playboy / Promoted To Wife?: Taming the VIP Playboy

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Содержание книги - Taming the VIP Playboy / Promoted To Wife?: Taming the VIP Playboy Katherine Garbera, Paula Roe

Taming the VIP Playboy / Promoted To Wife?: Taming the VIP Playboy - описание и краткое содержание, автор Katherine Garbera, Paula Roe, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Taming the VIP PlayboyThe sultry heat. The pulsing music. How could millionaire club owner Nate Stern have resisted taking Jen Miller into his arms? Though everyone in Miami considered him a playboy, Nate never flirted with his employees. Yet something about Jen had him changing his mind. Sleeping with her VIP boss was risky, but when Nate held her close, Jen couldn’t resist the flames…no matter what.Promoted to Wife?Running a multi-billion-dollar company meant long hours for Zac Prescott and his efficient assistant. Theirs was a strictly professional relationship…until the night Emily Reynolds finally let her hair down. And the tycoon took full advantage… When after that Emily quit, Zac wanted to lure her back with better prospects and more pleasure… Or was Emily looking for the ultimate promotion?

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