Once a Hero

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Содержание книги - Once a Hero Lisa Childs

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Taking a bullet meant for someone else made Kent Terlecki a hero in the eyes of his fellow detectives.But Erin Powell doesn't see a brave cop–only the man who put her brother in jail. When the justice-seeking reporter enrolls in the Lakewood Citizen's Police Academy asking some tough questions, she never expects to fall for the sexy sergeant. With her nephew to protect, it's a betrayal of everything she stands for. Isn't it? Being wounded in the line of duty is part of being a cop–Kent isn't looking for any medals.Even if Erin acts as if he's the one who did something wrong, they can't ignore what's happening between them. He'll just have to give her the answers she's looking for…and the chance to get to know the real man behind the badge.

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