Monsoon Wedding Fever

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Содержание книги - Monsoon Wedding Fever Shoma Narayanan

Monsoon Wedding Fever - описание и краткое содержание, автор Shoma Narayanan, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Coming home from a night out, Riya is not expecting to trip over the man who once broke her heart sleeping on her living room floor! He's over for her flatmate's wedding – which means she's got to spend 24/7 with the guy, and the sparks are already flying!Six years ago, Riya had fallen for him, totally-innocent-head over heels, whereas Dhruv didn’t believe in love, not then and not now. After all, the other reason he's in India is to consider an arranged marriage! But as the monsoons start, Riya and Dhruv are forced to confront what drove them apart back then.Only then does Riya start to hope that this wedding fever could be perhaps… contagious…

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