Finding Her Dad

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Содержание книги - Finding Her Dad Janice Kay Johnson

Finding Her Dad - описание и краткое содержание, автор Janice Kay Johnson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Having her own family is not too much to ask! Although it's been tough, sixteen-year-old Sierra Lind has assembled some good candidates. First there's the most perfect foster mom ever–Lucy Malone. And now Sierra has found her bio dad, Jonathan Brenner. With the way Lucy and her dad are making eyes at each other…Well, Sierra will have her family unit any day now.But things go south when her dad and Lucy take opposite sides on a deal-breaker issue. And guess who's in the middle? Yeah, that's so not where Sierra wants to be. She has to fix this so that everything goes back to normal–meaning her dad and Lucy acting like they can't get enough of each other!

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