Hired For His Pleasure: The Talk of Hollywood / Keeping Her Up All Night / Buttoned-Up Secretary, British Boss

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Содержание книги - Hired For His Pleasure: The Talk of Hollywood / Keeping Her Up All Night / Buttoned-Up Secretary, British Boss Susanne James, Anna Cleary, Carole Mortimer

Hired For His Pleasure: The Talk of Hollywood / Keeping Her Up All Night / Buttoned-Up Secretary, British Boss - описание и краткое содержание, автор Susanne James, Anna Cleary, Carole Mortimer, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Introducing Billionaire Bosses: six seductive, sophisticated volumes packed with steamy office romances, scandalous propositions, and irresistible alpha heroes. Don’t miss this intense, passionate, sexy collection from eighteen of Mills & Boons’ top-selling authors.THE TALK OF HOLLYWOOD Carole MortimerDirector Jaxon Wilde has been permitted to make a film about an infamous, scandalous actress…on the condition that her Goddaughter works with him on the script. But Jaxon didn’t expect to feel such a sizzling attraction to Stazy…and soon, he’s determined to create some scandal of their own!KEEPING HER UP ALL NIGHT Anne ClearyWhen playboy Guy Wilder’s gorgeous neighbour, ballerina Amber O’Neill, storms round to tell him to keep the noise down, Guy can think of a more exciting use for Amber’s sharp tongue! But would seducing the girl next door be a disaster waiting to happen…or the best night of Guy’s life?BUTTONED-UP SECRETARY, BRITISH BOSS Susanne JamesAlexander McDonald relishes a challenge, and finds his new secretary Sabrina Gold’s no-nonsense attitude increasingly tantalising! He’d vowed never to mix business and pleasure…but working late into the night with Sabrina, he finds himself breaking all his rules!

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