Lies And Lullabies: Courting the Cowboy Boss

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Содержание книги - Lies And Lullabies: Courting the Cowboy Boss Yvonne Lindsay, Janice Maynard, Cat Schield

Lies And Lullabies: Courting the Cowboy Boss - описание и краткое содержание, автор Yvonne Lindsay, Janice Maynard, Cat Schield, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Lies and LullabiesCourting the Cowboy BossAs new president of the Texas Cattleman’s Club, Case Baxter has his hands full. He needs a housekeeper, but he’s been burned before by gold-digging employees. Still, when fiery redhead Melinda Winslow shows up, his attraction is undeniable…Lone Star Holiday ProposalAt risk of losing her business, single mother Raina Patterson finds solace in the arms of Texas deal-maker Nolan Dane. But does this mysterious stranger have a hidden agenda – one that will put her heart at even greater risk?Nanny Makes ThreeMistaken for the father of his brother’s child, Liam Wade takes in his infant niece and needs a nanny fast. Hadley Stratton knows about Liam’s reputation, but soon she really gets to know him. Is she just the latest woman to fall for his charms, or are this rich rancher’s single days numbered?

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