Single Mum's Bodyguard

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Содержание книги - Single Mum's Bodyguard Lisa Childs

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A pretend relationship between a bodyguard and single mum turns all too real! Emilia Ecklund’s either losing her mind – or someone wants her to think she is! She hears her child crying when he's smiling. She sees intruders where there are none. She's desperate, so she asks her brother's best friend, former Marine and professional bodyguard Dane Sutton, to investigate. But the only way is for him to move into her home…and then her bed!Dane's secret mission is to pose as Emilia's boyfriend while watching every door and window like a hawk. He vows to keep things purely professional, but he's severely tempted as his feelings intensify. And as the threats escalate, the guarded loner realises he has everything to lose…

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