Scandal At The Christmas Ball: A Governess for Christmas / Dancing with the Duke’s Heir

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Содержание книги - Scandal At The Christmas Ball: A Governess for Christmas / Dancing with the Duke’s Heir Marguerite Kaye, Bronwyn Scott

Scandal At The Christmas Ball: A Governess for Christmas / Dancing with the Duke’s Heir - описание и краткое содержание, автор Marguerite Kaye, Bronwyn Scott, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Twelve days of Christmas, two Regency love affairs, one scandalous house party!A GOVERNESS FOR CHRISTMAS by Marguerite KayeAt the glittering Brockmore house party, former army major Drummond MacIntosh meets governess in disgrace, Joanna Forsythe, who’s desperate to clear her name. Both are eager to put their pasts behind them, but their scandalous affair will make for a very different future…DANCING WITH THE DUKE'S HEIR by Bronwyn ScottHeir to the Dukedom, Vale Penrith, does not want a wife, and certainly not one like Lady Viola Hawthorne. So why does London’s Shocking Beauty tempt him beyond reason? Dare he try and tame her, or is a Christmas seduction the best way to bring her to surrender…?

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