Bridegroom Bodyguard

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Содержание книги - Bridegroom Bodyguard Lisa Childs

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In Lisa Childs's Shotgun Weddings miniseries, a confirmed bachelor must walk down the aisle to protect his newborn son Someone is trying to kill bodyguard Parker Payne. But what's more shocking is the woman who shows up claiming he's the father of her child. The baby boy is Parker's spitting image, but how could he have forgotten a passionate encounter with this woman with caramel eyes?Sharon Wells has raised Parker's son since his birth. Now with a homicidal maniac coming after her and her son, it's Parker's unexpected proposal that may be the real danger. Sharon knows Parker just wants to protect them. But with passion flaring and a murderer intent on completing his personal mission, any distraction could mean the difference between life and death.

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