Playing the Rake's Game

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Содержание книги - Playing the Rake's Game Bronwyn Scott

Playing the Rake's Game - описание и краткое содержание, автор Bronwyn Scott, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

REN DRYDEN HAS A SPARK SHE CAN’T RISK IGNITING…Emma Ward is in trouble. The devilishly handsome part-owner of her beloved Caribbean sugar plantation has arrived and clearly he doesn’t trust her. But his eyes promise pleasures she can only imagine. Maybe there’s a way to get him on-side…Ren Dryden might be fresh off the boat from London, but he knows when a woman is playing him – and when she’s as intriguing as the alluring Emma he’s more than happy to play back!But several sultry nights and shared secrets later Ren realises just how high the stakes are in this game of seduction!Rakes of the Caribbean: sun, sand and sizzling seduction!

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