The Christmas Wedding Quilt: Let It Snow / You Better Watch Out / Nine Ladies Dancing

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Содержание книги - The Christmas Wedding Quilt: Let It Snow / You Better Watch Out / Nine Ladies Dancing Sarah Mayberry, Emilie Richards, Janice Johnson Kay

The Christmas Wedding Quilt: Let It Snow / You Better Watch Out / Nine Ladies Dancing - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sarah Mayberry, Emilie Richards, Janice Johnson Kay, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A FAMILY'S GIFTWhen they were young, cousins Ella, Rachel and Jo were always together at their family’s lake house. As they grew up, though, they grew apart… until now, as the three must band together to grant a beloved aunt's dying wish: to finish the quilt she began as a gift for her daughter's Christmas wedding.LET IT SNOWSearching for vintage quilting fabric, independent Jo is reunited with the man she thought she’d marry. And proves that sometimes the second time's the charm…YOU BETTER WATCH OUTElla is desperate when the unfinished quilt goes missing in her care. But a cocky lawyer might just help her find it – and find love. “Nine Ladies Dancing” by Sarah Mayberry – Shy Rachel risks exposing her secret life when she falls for her quilting teacher's seemingly perfect son, in this novella by Janice Kay Johnson.Together, Jo, Ella and Rachel create a Christmas heirloom that's both a wish and promise – of happiness, hope and love everlasting.

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