Christmas at Carriage Hill

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Содержание книги - Christmas at Carriage Hill Carla Neggers

Christmas at Carriage Hill - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carla Neggers, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Celebrate the holidays with this magical Swift River Valley novella from New York Times bestselling author Carla NeggersWhen fashion designer Alexandra Rankin Hunt is asked to create the dresses for Olivia Frost's Christmas wedding in tiny Knights Bridge, Massachusetts, she jumps at the chance. She's certain she'll never get to design one for herself–not with her history of falling for the wrong men. Ian Mabry, the sexy fighter pilot whose bravery reminded her of her beloved great-grandfather, was the worst yet.To Alexandra's surprise, Ian is also at Carriage Hill, Olivia's picturesque country inn. And if anyone can charm his way into a wedding, it's him. Ian wants more than an invitation–he's determined to find a way back into Alexandra's life.Don't miss Echo Lake, the next novel in Carla Neggers' unforgettable Swift River Valley series.

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