Romance In Paradise: Flirting with the Forbidden / Hot Island Nights / From Fling to Forever

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Содержание книги - Romance In Paradise: Flirting with the Forbidden / Hot Island Nights / From Fling to Forever Sarah Mayberry, Joss Wood, Avril Tremayne

Romance In Paradise: Flirting with the Forbidden / Hot Island Nights / From Fling to Forever - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sarah Mayberry, Joss Wood, Avril Tremayne, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Flirting with the Forbidden by Joss WoodBodyguard Noah Fraser hasn’t seen diamond heiress Morgan Moreau for eight years – but the image of her naked body has been imprinted on his mind ever since! And now he must protect her once again. The sexy socialite is totally off-limits but how can he resist the forbidden when giving in is so irresistibly tempting…?Hot Island Nights by Sarah MayberryElizabeth Morgan is in Australia, standing in front of a sexy man wearing nothing but a towel. Nathan Jones is so tempting he could be the ideal guy to help this good girl be very bad! But suddenly this is feeling a lot more like a real relationship than some fun in the sun.From Fling to Forever by Avril TremayneWhen fate repeatedly throws together kind-hearted Ella Reynolds and deliciously sexy filmmaker Aaron James, it's not long before this unlikely couple finally gives in to their irresistible chemistry. Their hearts might be locked away, but it's only a fling…

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