One Mountain Away

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Содержание книги - One Mountain Away Emilie Richards

One Mountain Away - описание и краткое содержание, автор Emilie Richards, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

“A powerful and thought-provoking novel that will both break your heart and fill you with hope." —International bestselling author Diane Chamberlain With nothing but brains, ambition and sheer nerve, Charlotte Hale built a career as a tough, do-anything-to-succeed real-estate developer. She’s at the top of that mountain…but her life is empty. Her friends are as grasping and insincere as she has become. Far worse, she's alienated her family so completely that she's never held or spoken to her only granddaughter.One terrifying day, facing her own mortality, she realizes that her ambition has almost destroyed her chance at happiness. So Charlotte vows to make amends, not simply with her considerable wealth, but by offering a hand instead of a handout. Putting in hours and energy instead of putting in an appearance.Opening her home and heart instead of her wallet. With each wrenching, exhilarating decision, Charlotte finds that climbing a new mountain—one built on friendship, love and forgiveness—will teach her what it truly means to build a legacy."This is truly a marvelous piece of work.” —New York Times bestselling author Catherine Anderson"Haunts me as few other books have.” New York Times bestselling author Sandra Dallas

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