From London With Love: Disgrace and Desire / The Captain and the Wallflower

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Содержание книги - From London With Love: Disgrace and Desire / The Captain and the Wallflower Lyn Stone, Sarah Mallory

From London With Love: Disgrace and Desire / The Captain and the Wallflower - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lyn Stone, Sarah Mallory, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

What happens in LondonDisgrace and DesireScandal and seduction are nothing new to Lady Eloise Allyngham. London falls at her feet, wagers over who will capture her hand are being placed. Major Jack Clifton promised to watch over Eloise and he feels more than just protective – her beauty fires his blood and her behaviour intrigues him even further. Only the lady is not what she seems, and Jack must discover the secret she fiercely hides if he is to protect her…A Proposal of NecessityCaptain Caine Morleigh must marry to inherit. Who better than the dullest young woman left over at the end of the London season? After all, she should require little to keep her happy… And Lady Grace Renfair leaps at the only chance to escape her uncle accepting Caine’s proposal. Soon she blooms with confidence; but will her husband’s forbidding exterior ever crumble?

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