Forever Buckhorn: Gabe

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Содержание книги - Forever Buckhorn: Gabe Lori Foster

Forever Buckhorn: Gabe - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Buckhorn brothers return in two timeless tales from New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Lori Foster GABEGabe Kasper, the heartthrob of Buckhorn County, can have any woman he wants. But it's prickly, uptight Elizabeth Parks who gets under his skin. She thinks Gabe's some kind of hero and wants an interview for her thesis. He doesn't consider pulling a couple of kids out of the lake heroic, but he'll answer her questions in exchange for kisses . . . and more.JORDANJordan Somerville thinks he wants a woman who's a paragon of virtue. But then the gentle veterinarian – rescuer of strays – meets Georgia Barnes, single mother and exotic dancer. She’s a far cry from Jordan’s dream woman—and she’s made it clear that he’s hardly her dream man, either. So why is he suddenly tempted to break all his own rules?

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